Our team, comprised of individuals from the US, Costa Rica, Brazil and Paraguay, is traveling to Mutare, Zimbabwe on August 22, 2024. We are seeking monetary donations toward this mission to purchase soccer balls and VBS supplies to serve 3,000+ local children and their families. Visit our egiving page to give online! If you prefer to donate by check, you can send your tax-deductible donation to:
Samaritan Hands
PO Box 6016
Maryville, TN 37802
Please include “Zimbabwe Missions Supplies” in the memo.
All donation receipts for online and check donations in 2024 will be sent via mail in January 2025.

During their time in Zimbabwe, our team will be working with Ishe Anesu, an after school project located within the Hilltop United Methodist Church premises in Sakubva, Mutare, Zimbabwe. The primary objective of Ishe Anesu is to provide education to the underprivileged children/orphans and the poorest of the poor. In order to achieve this objective, the project pays school fees and buys school uniforms, books and stationery for the children. Wearing school uniform is required.
In addition to paying school fees and buying uniforms, the project offers Christian education and values, social and family ethics and recreation. The project provides 2 meals a day. Minor injuries and illnesses requiring first-aid treatment are taken care of at the Project. The Project pays for doctor appointments and treatment of the children. Occasionally, the children enjoy extracurricular activities such as visits to the museums, animal game preserves, airport, food factories and other sightseeing areas. Samaritan Hands has been working with Ishe Anesu since the beginning of its operation in 1998. Samaritan Hands provides educational scholarships and other support to Ishe Anesu in addition to sending a missions team each year to help with maintenance at the project and to host VBS for 3,000+ local children. If you are interested in donating toward Ishe Anesu or sponsoring a college student, please contact us at SamaritanHandsTN@gmail.com .