Guatemala Medical Team – May 2025

Are you interested in joining Samaritan Hands as we travel to Guatemala May 17-24, 2025?  Apply here!

Our team from the US will be partnering with medical professionals in Guatemala to provide much needed basic medical care to native Guatemalans in rural villages. Samaritan Hands has been serving in Guatemala since 1984 and has established strong ties to the local villages and their people. We have taken countless groups on both medical and missions based trips since that time. The team will also participate in other cultural and ministry-based activities such as visiting the Hogar del Nino orphanage in Chichicastenango and our wonderful feeding program in Lamoa.

While the team is comprised of various medical professionals, we also need non-medical team members to serve in other much-needed positions. Everyone is welcome to join!

If you are ready to join the team or are just interested in more information, please fill out our online form with Managed Missions. Only individuals who have filled out this form and have had their application accepted are confirmed on the team. 


-Valid passport that does not expire within 6 months of departure date or proof of an expedited passport in progress.
-Ability to pay the trip fee of $1,700 in full prior to departure with a $750 deposit to secure your spot and airline tickets. Checks can be written to:

Samaritan Hands
PO Box 6016
Maryville, TN, 37802

Questions? Email us at

Missions Teams for 2025

Are you interested in joining Samaritan Hands on one of our 2025 Missions Teams? We are excited to implement a new platform called Managed Missions for all of our teams and trips. All team communication, documents and information will go through Managed Missions.

Please visit our Managed Missions site today to share your interest and apply for one of our 2025 teams.

*Dates and trip cost subject to change due to airline costs and other factors.

March 8-16, 2025 – Costa Rica – $1,700
May 17-24, 2025 – Guatemala Medical Team – $1,700
July 21-28, 2025 – Paraguay July – $2,000
August 21-September 4, 2025 – Zimbabwe – $3,300
October 4-13, 2025 – Resurrection Costa Rica – $1,700

2024 Nuts Fundraiser

The Samaritan Hands’ annual nuts fundraiser benefitting the Hogar del Nino Orphanage in Guatemala is happening NOW. The bulk order fundraiser includes the following freshly picked products:

Pecan Halves $13.50

Pecan Chunks $12.50

Mixed Nuts $11.50

Sliced Almonds $9.50

Chocolate Covered Pecans $12.50

Ways you can order:

-Email with your order. Please be sure to include your name, phone number, mailing address and order.

-Fill out our Online Order Form.

The bulk order will be placed and 11/12 and we hope to have the nuts ready for distribution before Thanksgiving.

Payment can be made upon pickup/delivery and checks are HIGHLY preferred at this time. Please put Nut Order in the memo and checks should be made to Samaritan Hands.

NEW Option! You can shop Stuckey’s entire line of products online and have your items shipped directly to your home. A portion of the proceeds go directly to Samaritan Hands to continue to fund the Orphanage. Tax and shipping fees will apply to online orders and they are separate from the Samaritan Hands bulk order described above. Visit THIS LINK to shop!

Zimbabwe Missions Supplies

Our team, comprised of individuals from the US, Costa Rica, Brazil and Paraguay, is traveling to Mutare, Zimbabwe on August 22, 2024. We are seeking monetary donations toward this mission to purchase soccer balls and VBS supplies to serve 3,000+ local children and their families. Visit our egiving page to give online! If you prefer to donate by check, you can send your tax-deductible donation to:

Samaritan Hands
PO Box 6016
Maryville, TN 37802
Please include “Zimbabwe Missions Supplies” in the memo.

All donation receipts for online and check donations in 2024 will be sent via mail in January 2025.

During their time in Zimbabwe, our team will be working with Ishe Anesu, an after school project located within the Hilltop United Methodist Church premises in Sakubva, Mutare, Zimbabwe.  The primary objective of Ishe Anesu is to provide education to the underprivileged children/orphans and the poorest of the poor. In order to achieve this objective, the project pays school fees and buys school uniforms, books and stationery for the children. Wearing school uniform is required.


In addition to paying school fees and buying uniforms, the project offers Christian education and values, social and family ethics and recreation. The project provides 2 meals a day. Minor injuries and illnesses requiring first-aid treatment are taken care of at the Project. The Project pays for doctor appointments and treatment of the children. Occasionally, the children enjoy extracurricular activities such as visits to the museums, animal game preserves, airport, food factories and other sightseeing areas. Samaritan Hands has been working with Ishe Anesu since the beginning of its operation in 1998. Samaritan Hands provides educational scholarships and other support to Ishe Anesu in addition to sending a missions team each year to help with maintenance at the project and to host VBS for 3,000+ local children. If you are interested in donating toward Ishe Anesu or sponsoring a college student, please contact us at .


Resurrection Costa Rica 2024

Join Samaritan Hands as we travel to Costa Rica to help with Resurrection – Costa Rica 2024. Trip dates are October 5-14, 2024. The $1,550 trip cost covers airfare, in country transportation, housing and food during your time in Costa Rica.

Must be a High School Student with a servant’s heart.
Must have a valid passport by the time of travel.
Must have a written recommendation from your church or youth leader.
Must be able to pay for or fundraise the cost of the trip and provide a $500 deposit to reserve your spot. Space is limited.

If you are interested in finding out more information or committing to the team, fill out our Team Inquiry form!

2023 Nuts Fundraiser

The Samaritan Hands’ annual nuts fundraiser benefitting the Hogar del Nino Orphanage in Guatemala is happening NOW. The bulk order fundraiser includes the following freshly picked products:

Pecan Halves $13.00

Pecan Chunks $12.50

Mixed Nuts $11.00

Chocolate Covered Pecans $11.00

Ways you can order:

-Email with your order. Please be sure to include your name, phone number, mailing address and order.

-Fill out our Online Order Form.

The bulk order will be placed and 11/6 and we hope to have the nuts ready for distribution before Thanksgiving.

Payment can be made upon pickup/delivery and checks are HIGHLY preferred at this time. Please put Nut Order in the memo and checks should be made to Samaritan Hands.

NEW Option! You can shop Stuckey’s entire line of products online and have your items shipped directly to your home. A portion of the proceeds go directly to Samaritan Hands to continue to fund the Orphanage. Tax and shipping fees will apply to online orders and they are separate from the Samaritan Hands bulk order described above. Visit THIS LINK to shop!

2022 Nuts Fundraiser

The holidays are approaching and it’s time for the annual Samaritan Hands Nuts Fundraiser! All proceeds will go toward funding the Hogar del Nino orphanage in Guatemala.

Orders should arrive before Thanksgiving. The order deadline is Sunday, November 5th. Information on pickup dates and times TBD.

To order:

NEW – Order Online HERE!

– Visit Judy Russell in the Great Hall between services on 10/29 and 11/5. 

– Call Judy Russell at (865) 984-9303. Please leave a message with your name, callback number and the number of bags of each type of nut you would like to purchase. Judy will follow up to gather additional information if needed.

– Email with your order. Please be sure to include your name, phone number, mailing address and order.
Payment can be made upon pickup/delivery and checks are HIGHLY preferred at this time. Checks can also be mailed to Samaritan Hands, PO Box 6016, Maryville, TN, 37802. Please put Nut Order in the memo and checks should be made to Samaritan Hands.

2022 Nut Prices:

* Large Mammoth Pecan Halves (16oz) — $13.00

* Pecan CHUNKS/broken pieces (16oz) — $12.50

* Small Pecan Pieces (16oz) — *Availability TBD

* Fancy Mixed Nuts (16oz) — $11.00 (This includes: Toasted & Salted Fancy Pecans, Cashews, Brazil Nuts, Hazel Nuts, and Large Almonds)

* Sliced Almonds (16oz) — $9.00

*Chocolate Covered Pecans– $11.00