Website Update!

Check back soon as we continue to update our look as well information and news on each of our trips and ministries. We have been busy supporting our ministries in Costa Rica, Paraguay, Zimbabwe and Guatemala. In 2017 we have sent groups to Costa Rica, Guatemala and we are leading a group to Zimbabwe in August. We also hosted a very popular and successful fundraiser in February to support the children of Hogar del Nino in Guatemala.

If you are interested in partnering with Samaritan Hands through a missions trip, sponsorship or fundraising for our various ministries, please contact us via phone or email. We look forward to hearing from you!

A Note on the Passing of Marion Woods


A Note from Dr. Jerry Russell on the passing of his dear friend, Marion Woods:

When the word came that my friend and mentor in missions ministry had passed over the Jordan into eternity, my heart sank for a few seconds. I had shed my tears and said my “goodbye” and I” love you and thank for being a Godly man” when we left Costa Rica on March 29. Yet, the truth is one is never prepared for that final moment. Marion had preached and taught that the Grace of Jesus was that great gift offered to all and available for all if one just receives that love of Christ and believes in their heart that in Christ, God has made it right between his children and himself.

Marion, as a teen, found the joy and truth of Gods’ grace. It was this grace that God carried him to Costa Rica to touch so many folks for the Kingdom. One life that made a difference, yes! To make a difference in this world… what an impact! My prayer is now one of gratitude and thanksgiving for” Papa Noel.” Make me, Lord, like Jesus and a servant like Marion Woods.

Update from Hogar del Niño in Guatemala

May the Lord bless each one of you and I thank God for all the blessings we recieve daily. At the ¨Hogar del Niño¨ presently there are six children. Angelina who is 17 years old, Yessica who is 15 years old, Sandra who is 14 years old, Juan Manuel who is 13 years old, Samuelito who is 3 years old and Juanita who is 2 years old. We are very thankful because they are growing and in health. Juanita is going to therapy to learn to walk well and her progress is good each day. Samuelito is a very cute boy who is growing and playing each day. The older girls and boys are in school and this year they are working hard. Please pray so that they continue growing in school but most importantly in their knowledge about Jesus and His love for them. Also so that all of us that work with them and see them grow each day may have the wisdom and knowledge to guide and help them in different areas. Thank you and may the Lord bless you greatly.

Lidia Garcia